My name is Paul and I volunteer as a co-ordinator for Link. I joined Link a few years ago having moved to Westbury after living in Spain.
I joined the Link team because I wanted to get to know the area, its people and to get involved with the local community and I have certainly done that. Assisting our numerous clients with their important transportation needs is very rewarding and I have met some lovely people, often with fascinating stories to tell. To many of them we become friends over the phone or in driving them to their appointments.
Hello, I'm Vaughan Rees and am a recent recruit as a volunteer co-ordinator. I studied chemistry at Swansea University and spent my working life in the laboratories firstly of Cuprinol in Frome and then at ICI Paints (Dulux) at Slough where I was UK Woodcare Laboratory Manager.
I'm married to Rosemary, who I met at University. She is a volunteer driver for both Link and Dorothy House and through her I saw the great benefits that both provide to the local community. So when I was asked whether I would consider becoming a co-ordinator I was easily persuaded! However due to family and other commitments I'm not able to volunteer for as many days as some of the other co-ordinators.
I am a member of various interest groups in Warminster U3A (Mahjong, local history, science and technology) and enjoy indoor bowls and walking and am involved in running clubs for both of these activities.
Hello there, Kathy Hutt here. I recently started as a volunteer co-ordinator and driver for Westbury Link. I have lived in Dilton Marsh for 16 years, having previously lived in Bristol, Oxfordshire (my home area) and London while working and studying. I spent most of my working life as a Careers Adviser, predominantly supporting young people with a variety of additional needs to move on from education. Although now retired, I keep pretty busy with the Parish Council, village hall and Community Speedwatch. In "normal" times, I love being out and about - walking, doing a bit of cycling, going to watch live entertainment, being with friends, travelling and so on; let's hope that resumes sooner rather than later. Joining Westbury Link has given me the chance to do something a bit different; I have some time to give to the community and wanted to help in a practical way.
Hello, my name is Nick Pyne. I have lived in Westbury since 1961 apart from a seventeen year break in Reading from 1985-2002. My wife and I celebrate our golden wedding this year, and we are proud of our six children and eleven grandchildren. Life has been busy! We are both retired now which gives me the time to be involved with Link. I spend my leisure time reading, gardening, walking, swimming with Warminster Masters, playing tennis with Corsley Tennis Club, and taking day trips and holidays whenever we can. My working life involved sales and purchasing, and the major part of that was in the seafood business. More recently I was involved in purchasing and administration for a group of optical companies. I am always happy to help, but my wife tells me I can sometimes be misunderstood as I seem to appear to be a bit abrupt, so please don’t be offended if that is how you see me. I always enjoy a joke and I am sure that a sense of humour helps the world go round.
I am now the Vice Chair, Volunteer Coordinator and Recruitment rep on the committee, and I look forward to coordinating and driving for Link for many years to come.
My name is John Masson and I am Chair of Link. I moved to Wiltshire from Croydon with my wife April after we both retired in 2012 and we live in Hawkeridge. I was a surveyor by profession and for the last six years of my career I was a lecturer at Greenwich University. Since moving I have joined Heywood Parish Council and I am the present Chairman. I am also on the Heywood and Hawkeridge Village Hall Committee. I am a season ticket holder at Crystal Palace who I have supported for over fifty years through thick and thin, mostly thin it must be said, and I try to get to most home matches. I am a member of Somerset County Cricket Club and get to Taunton as often as I can for the County Championship games. My other interests include reading mainly crime novels, crosswords and cooking and I am at present building a model railway which is a long term project. We have an Airedale Terrier called Remy who needs walking and generally rules our lives. Thanks to her I have visited the A & E at RUH on two occasions, once for a broken wrist and the other time for a broken ankle, both suffered while out walking the dog.
Having retired and with time on my hands I wanted to contribute something to our community and I have become a co-ordinator and driver with Link.
Hi – I’m Ann Bizeray, married to Maurice. I am the treasurer & administrator for Westbury & District Link Scheme, as well as database manager of the online booking system which the coordinators use.
Once upon a time I was in the army, then I trained to be an accountant and worked in the motor trade and other businesses until I retired a few years ago. After all the hassle of commerce, I worked for a while as Parish Clerk for Heywood Parish Council. I moved to Westbury back in 1997 so I have lived here for quite a long time. I am glad to be able to contribute something to our community.
Maurice and I have a motorhome which we like to take away for short breaks around England and Wales along with our Romanian rescue dog Maylu. I love reading, crochet and patchwork and – of course – mucking about with computers!
Hello everyone, I am Mary Pyne. I started driving and coordinating for Westbury Link in 2022. I followed my husband into both of these voluntary tasks. He is called Nick and we have been married for over 50 years. I am a Yorkshire lass, but I left there when I was eighteen, and Wiltshire has been home for a total of thirty-five years. We spent seventeen years in Reading where I trained to be a midwife. When we returned to Westbury in 2002, I worked in Salisbury and Trowbridge from where I retired in 2017. I enjoy sport, playing tennis at least twice a week and I am treasurer of Corsley Tennis Club. I play walking netball at Leighton once a week, which is great fun, and faster than you might think, and I go to a personal trainer for strength training twice a week. My other passion is Rock Choir. We learn rock and pop songs, and perform locally for various events. In 2022 I was lucky to join five hundred Rockies in Wells Cathedral for a big sing. We can do this because Rock Choir is nationwide, and all the local choirs learn the same songs at the same time. When I am not playing sport, or singing, I enjoy reading, sewing at a craft level, and messing about on the computer. I also enjoy days out with Nick. I love the sea, so we visit it whenever we can. I am lucky to have a good life, and I am grateful to Westbury Link for offering me an opportunity to pay something back to society.